Seamless AML checks to fight fraud effectively

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance software that allows you to onboard customers quickly and safely, with minimal friction to meet regulatory requirements.

AML Compliance

Be confident in AML compliance

Software that helps you comply with Anti-Money Laundering regulations and ensure process confidence when conducting AML checks.

Centralise AML processes

Meet your KYC/B, CDD and EDD processes with a scalable solution that is matched to your business’ appetite for risk.

Effortless AML management

Organise, update, and secure Anti-Money Laundering records with an easy-to-use case management system.

Stay abreast of regulatory change

Keep pace with any changes in AML regulation and implement reviewed risk-based policies quickly.

Gather key intel for AML processes

Gather key intel for AML processes

Examine individuals and businesses for continued compliance with AML check requirements, understand corporate structures, beneficial owners, PEPs, sanctions and adverse media.


Automated AML compliance

Modernise compliance processes with software that automates KYC and KYB, creating a fully auditable case record and improving customer experiences at scale.

Automated AML compliance​
Implement a risk-based approach to AML

Implement a risk-based approach to Anti Money Laundering checks

Create an efficient AML compliance programme that streamlines workloads and delivers consistencies across the board in line with customer risk levels.

“NorthRow's ability to deliver a bespoke solution that combines automated identity checks with the added security of face-to-face verification made it the obvious choice when deciding which firm to partner with to securely deliver Open Banking.”

Nigel Spencer

Open Banking

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Create growth, safely through efficient AML processes

Complete peace of mind that your business is growing in a safe, compliant way with a comprehensive digital onboarding and customer experience.

Speed up AML checks

Initiate AML checks with as little as a customer’s name and receive a single decision recommendation depending on acceptability within client-defined risk parameters.

AML compliance

An unrivalled range of data sources and technology that delivers comprehensive money laundering checks in a single solution.

Simplify AML risk

Get instant decision recommendations based on your business' risk appetite and acceptance criteria.

Ready to get started?

Book your free demo of our comprehensive Anti Money Laundering solution today.