automated kyb for investment and wealth management

How to proactively manage risk in investment firms with automated KYB

For compliance teams in regulated investment and wealth management firms, the landscape of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance is fraught with complexities.  The intricate web of regulations, coupled with the ever-evolving nature of financial crimes, demands a robust and adaptive compliance … Read More

Global KYB eBook

Shifting the perspective: Transforming KYB into a business enabler

Discover how to transform KYB from a compliance headache into a powerful business enabler with our comprehensive guide. … Read More

kyc onboarding

Achieving data accuracy for KYB in the payments industry

Know Your Business (KYB) is a critical aspect of compliance in the regulated payments sector. Ensuring data accuracy is paramount, as it directly impacts the ability to meet regulatory requirements, mitigate risks, and maintain trust with stakeholders. The process involves … Read More

RegTech Solution

Should you build or buy a KYB compliance solution?

As the regulatory environment for the lending industry in the UK becomes increasingly stringent, Know Your Business (KYB) compliance has emerged as a critical concern for businesses across the sector. Given the importance of staying compliant and the ongoing effort … Read More

due diligence for legal firms

Making better, faster KYB compliance decisions in the legal sector

For regulated legal firms in the UK, ensuring robust Know Your Business (KYB) compliance is paramount. The regulatory landscape is increasingly complex, with stringent requirements designed to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes and, as a result, compliance … Read More

Global data challenges - KYB

Overcoming global data challenges in KYB

Financial Institutions’ Know Your Business (KYB) data requirements are stringent but necessary in the context of our multi-trillion dollar global financial crime problem. This data help institutions understand their clients’ motives, allowing them to rule out, within a reasonable margin of error (risk tolerance), the likelihood that a corporation is being used for illicit activities. … Read More

fragmented KYB challenges

Overcoming the challenges of fragmented KYB

Mounting regulatory pressure and heightened customer expectations are prompting firms to turn to KYB tools in pursuit of seamless onboarding and robust AML compliance. However, the multi-phased nature of KYB has, in some cases, encouraged a piecemeal approach to process … Read More

6 time-saving tips for KYB compliance in legal firms

Know Your Business (KYB) compliance is essential for legal firms operating in the UK, but the burden of ensuring thorough due diligence while maintaining efficiency can be significant. To help navigate these challenges, here are 6 handy time-saving tips for … Read More

financial crime compliance

Increasing time to value from your KYB software provider to achieve your growth plans

In the regulated lending sector, the pressure to meet compliance standards while driving business growth is significant. Know Your Business (KYB) processes are essential, ensuring that your firm understands the entities it is dealing with, that you adhere to regulatory … Read More

global kyb

Global KYB compliance at a glance: Streamlining your due diligence process

In the highly regulated lending industry, compliance with Know Your Business (KYB) requirements is both a legal necessity and a strategic imperative. For senior compliance professionals in regulated lending firms, the challenge lies in balancing stringent regulatory requirements with an … Read More