Identity verification

KYB process

Maximising efficiency: The KYB process explained

The KYB (Know Your Business) process refers to the procedures and checks that businesses undertake to verify the identity and legitimacy of their customers or business partners. It involves gathering information and conducting due diligence to ensure compliance with regulations and mitigate risks. … Read More

right to work software

5 things to consider when choosing right to work software

In today’s fast-paced business environment, HR and hiring managers increasingly rely on technology to streamline their processes and improve overall efficiency. With digital right to work software, the entire recruitment and onboarding process can be dramatically improved, meaning your employees … Read More

ID document verification

5 benefits of online ID document verification in a digital age

ID document verification is an essential part of KYC onboarding, as well as when employers are verifying employee right to work ID&V. It’s a process that ensures a person is who they are claiming to be when required to open … Read More

Identity verification

Right to work software: 7 reasons to adopt & factors to consider

From October 1st 2022, new UK legislation came into effect for how businesses check their employees’ Right to Work. The new UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust framework from the DCMS (Department for Culture, Media and Sport) states that businesses are only able to hire applicants by meeting them face-to-face; by using technology for ID validation; or the Home Office online service, to check onboarding documents. … Read More

Computer and mobile phone

KYC Verification to Eliminate SIM Card Fraud in the Telecoms Industry

Sim Card Fraud … Read More

what is a ubo?

What is the difference between a Beneficial Owner and an Ultimate Beneficial Owner of a company?

What is a Beneficial Owner of a company? Beneficial ownership is distinguished from legal ownership, though in most cases, the legal and beneficial owners are one and the same. Legally, an ownership can be classified into two; (1) legal and … Read More

Right to work compliance in the UK

What is right to work compliance in the UK?

In the UK, every employee has to prove their right to work in the country under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act. It is a criminal offence for an employer to employ an individual who does not have the permission … Read More

payment transaction

The UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework: What is it and What Does it Mean for Compliance?

Cases of identity theft are on the increase. According to the UK’s fraud prevention body, Cifas, nearly 500 identities are stolen in the UK every single day. As such, the government wants to develop a secure digital ID service that … Read More

Compliance Cost of Amber Management

Compliance Cost of Amber Management

A world of binary results of either pass or fail, (Green or Red) would be nirvana; but that just isn’t realistic. There will always be cases that require further due diligence before you safely commit to onboard, or continue to interact with the customer, or not. Ambers are those cases that fall between the ‘accept’ or ‘decline and cause your business a challenge. … Read More

Building Societies Digital Transformation

Building Societies Digital Transformation

Digital transformation projects have been fast-tracked for Building Societies Learn more now. … Read More