KYB Checks

KYB technology lending firms

Boosting application volume with KYB technology for lending firms

Implementing KYB (Know Your Business) technology can have a significant impact on the application volume of lending firms. By leveraging KYB technology, lenders can streamline their onboarding process and make it more efficient, resulting in a higher number of applications. … Read More

elements of KYB

7 essential elements of KYB checks

Know Your Business (KYB) checks are a cornerstone of AML compliance for regulated firms in the UK. Compliance with KYB requirements is not only a regulatory obligation, but also a fundamental step in maintaining trust and confidence in the financial … Read More

Business Onboarding: Why You Need an Efficient and Holistic Approach

How automated KYB checks can help mitigate risk in your business

Customers are not only individuals, but businesses too. Anti-money laundering regulations instruct organisations to monitor and protect against suspicious activity. The main focus of the checks undertaken is to establish the identity and ownership of the company being dealt with, … Read More

kyb check

The importance of KYB checks: best practices for compliance

As financial crime threats evolve, so does the importance of conducting Know Your Business (KYB) checks. In today’s business landscape, regulatory bodies expect compliance officers to conduct a comprehensive KYB check for each company they onboard to ensure compliance with … Read More

what is a shell company?

What is a shell company?

Most of us have probably heard the term ‘shell company’ used in press coverage of political corruption and financial crime. But what exactly is a shell company? What purpose do they serve? And what do shell companies mean for AML compliance? … Read More

top compliance trends

Top Compliance Trends You Need to Know for 2019

Money-laundering and compliance failures within large banks and institutions dominated the financial news in 2018. To help you not fall foul of the regulations in 2019, we have gathered a list of top 9 compliance trends this year and how they may impact how you do business. … Read More