Digital Transformation

RegTech Solution

How single-solution KYB can simplify compliance and enhance efficiency in payments firms

As money laundering and fraud threats continue to evolve, regulated payments firms in the UK face growing pressure to enhance their compliance frameworks. This is particularly pertinent for risk and compliance leaders who are at the frontline of ensuring their … Read More

AML compliance growth strategy

How compliance software can support your growth strategy

In this article, we explore how integrating software into your AML compliance processes can support your growth strategy.  … Read More

compliance landscape

Infographic: How technology is shaping the compliance landscape

In this infographic, we explore how technology is shaping the face of the AML compliance landscape. … Read More

digital trust

From compliance to confidence: Building digital trust in AML programmes

This article provides insights on how AML programmes can help financial services firms to effectively navigate the digital landscape and instil trust in their compliance processes. … Read More

Digital transformation and compliance

What is digital transformation and how can it impact compliance?

Digital transformation is the process of using technology to establish new — or improve existing — processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet ever-changing business and market demands. According to McKinsey & Company, a ‘well-executed, end-to-end risk-function digital transformation can … Read More

The Future of Compliance: Digital Transformation Meets Regulation

The Future of Compliance: Digital Transformation Meets Regulation

Digital transformation is driven by growth opportunities, followed by increased competitive pressure and new regulatory standards. Digital Transformation (DT) is nothing new; it’s an industry in itself that has become diluted to a point where it has virtually lost its … Read More

Compliance Cost of Amber Management

Compliance Cost of Amber Management

A world of binary results of either pass or fail, (Green or Red) would be nirvana; but that just isn’t realistic. There will always be cases that require further due diligence before you safely commit to onboard, or continue to interact with the customer, or not. Ambers are those cases that fall between the ‘accept’ or ‘decline and cause your business a challenge. … Read More

Building Societies Digital Transformation

Building Societies Digital Transformation

Digital transformation projects have been fast-tracked for Building Societies Learn more now. … Read More

Why Ultimate Beneficial Owner Verification is Important?

Why is ultimate beneficial ownership verification important?

Ultimate Beneficial ownership verification and ongoing monitoring is now an essential component of the KYC onboarding and anti-financial crime procedures. However, peeling back the complex legal structures designed to conceal Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) represents a significant challenge. In this blog, we explore the confusion over multiple beneficial ownerships, the complexity share structures, understanding Trusts and how you minimise risk exposure when onboarding and monitoring UBOs. … Read More

Beneficial Ownership Monitoring is Fundamental for Global Economic Recovery

Beneficial Ownership Monitoring is Fundamental for Global Economic Recovery

How well do you know your customer? As the pandemic continues on a global level, your clients’ risk status is changing at unparalleled speed. Effective ‘continuous KYC monitoring’ is essential for Compliance Officers if they want to stay ahead of the criminals. In 2020 firms have made significant investments in digitally transforming the front end of compliance at the point of onboarding, however many firms have not digitally transformed their monitoring processes, exposing their business to increasing levels of risk. In this blog we explore ongoing monitoring further. … Read More